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匾额 Tablet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-16 08:22:54


匾额 Tablet英语短句 例句大全



1.Tablet Culture and Traditional Residence Environment;匾额文化与传统民居环境


1.About the Horizontal Inscribed Board Bestowed to Tianhou Temple by the Emperor in Qin Dynasty and Its Historical Background清代御赐天后宫匾额及其历史背景

2.The horizontal board over the gate was inscribed by Kangxi himself with the four characters Bi"Shu"Shan"Zhuang or Mountain Villa to Escape Summer Heat.宫门上的匾额“避暑山庄”乃康熙御笔。

3.The inscription of this name on the horizontal board above the door of the hall was done by Emperor Shunzhi.匾额上的“瀛台”两字,乃顺治皇帝题写。

4."The inscriptions for different places can"t be dispensed with, but neither can they be fixed in advance. ""各处匾额对联断不可少,亦断不可定名."

5.The inscriptions do present a problem.这匾额对联倒是一件难事.

6.The steles in Yonghegong are incised with Han, Man, Mongolian, and Tibetan script.雍和宫的匾额是用汉、满、蒙、藏文雕刻的。

7.The Form Characteristics of Inscribed Boards and Couplets in the Imperial Gardens of Qing Dynasty清代皇家园林匾额楹联的形式与特征

8.According to one folk story, after he had completed the inscription, Xiao walked off to look at his work from a distance. It was only then that he discovered that the dot stroke in the character xia was missing.相传,他书成匾额后,即在城楼对面观看巨匾,突然发现“下”字少了一点。

9.The inscriptions in the plaque means only the benevolent emperor can live a long life.匾额上的字“寿协仁符”意思是施仁政者能长寿。

10.Gen.Voong Chew-heng and the Inscribed Stone Tablet "Huiteng Lecture Room"in Hanshan Normal University;韩山师范学院“辉腾教室”石匾额与翁照垣将军

11.A horizontal plaque over its door bore the building"s name "Fragrance at Eventide." The inscription had been written by their uncle Ke-an.檐下挂了一块匾额,上面三个黑色的隶书大字:“晚香楼”。

12.The pavilion is open with a stele hanging on the eave inscribed by the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty.亭身是空透的,亭檐上悬挂着清朝乾隆皇帝书写的“历下亭”匾额。

13.Chueh-min sat down on one of the glazed earthen stools and gazed appreciatively at the plaque.觉民在瓷凳上坐下来,抬起头去看楼前祖父亲笔写的匾额。

14.On the peak stands a high tower on which is hung a horizontal board inscribed by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) with the four characters of Dian"Qian"Suo"Yue which means Key Strategic Point of Yunnan and Guizhou.岭上有御书楼矗立,上有清康熙御题“滇黔锁钥”匾额。

15.Before the temple gate stands a saffron yellow screen wall. On the gate is hung a horizontal board inscribed with Gu"Han"Shan"Si or the Ancient Cold Mountain Temple.山门前,矗立着黄墙照璧,门首悬挂着“古寒山寺”匾额。

16.Jane:Maybe a plaque honoring his years of service.阿珍?也许可以送他一块匾额表彰他多年来的贡献。

17.The classical garden culture of China simple analysis on the multiple implication of stele and couplet hung on the c olumns of a hall;中国古典园林文化一隅——浅析匾额、楹联的多重涵义

18.On the top of the gate there is a green horizontal stone board with the words" Residence of Comrade Wu Han", inscription of a former vice chairman of the state.故居大门上方嵌原国家副主席乌兰夫亲笔题写的“吴晗同志故居”青石匾额。


the words or poems written on the memorial tablets or the red papers匾额、堂联

3)Tablet Culture匾额文化

1.Tablet Culture and Traditional Residence Environment;匾额文化与传统民居环境

4)garden tablet园林匾额

5)stele customs匾额习俗

1.As a part of the building facade,stele customs combines sculpture, words, calligraphy as an art created by knowledge and wisdom of the people integrated the concentrated expression of artistry.匾额习俗是流传千年的中华古俗,不仅是古代建筑的组成部分,同时也是一种富有审美意味的精神图象。

6)Inscribed tablets楹联匾额



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