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心率 Heart rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-25 00:58:48


心率 Heart rate英语短句 例句大全

心率,Heart rate

1)Heart rate心率

1.Effects of the noise of wide belt sander for woodworking industry on human heart rate.;木工宽带砂光机噪声对人体心率的影响

2.Atropine-induced heart rate changes during propofol anesthesia;异丙酚麻醉期间心率对阿托品的反应

3.The effect of muscular penehycliedine hydrochloride injection on heart rate and blood pressure of preoperative oral and maxillofacial patients;口腔颌面病术前肌注盐酸戊乙奎醚对血压心率和腺体分泌影响的研究


1.Changes of Heart Rate Turbulence and Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease;冠心病患者窦性心率震荡及心率变异性的变化

2.Effect of Temperature on Heart Rate or Heart Rate Variability of Vitro Heart in the Toads;温度对蟾蜍离体心脏心率及心率变异性的影响

3.Relationship between HRV,HRT and Delayed PCI in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction急性心梗延迟PCI心率震荡与心率变异性研究

4.Effects of xinyuan capsule on heart rate variability in coronary heart disease心元胶囊对冠心病心率变异性的影响

5.The present-day eccentricity of the orbit is small.目前,轨道的偏心率不大。

6.Athletes have, as a rule, a slower heart rate .通常运动员的心率较慢。

7.This drug will retard your heart rate.麻药将使你心率缓慢。

8.positive sinoatrial chronotropic effect正性窦房性心率作用

9.electronic blood pressure and heart rate monitor电子血压心率监测器

10.The usual heart rate of sportsman is lower.运动员通常心率较低。

11.The heartbeat is the frequency that points to heart throb, namely minutely jumpy how many times.心率是指心脏搏动的频率,即每分钟跳动多少次。

12.Effects of Atropine on the Heart Rate and the Complexity Measure of Heart Rate Variability阿托品对心率及心率变异性复杂度的影响

13.center frequency中心频率未调制频率

14.Generally Spiral Trajectory Curvature Center of Curvature and Torsion一般螺线曲率中心轨迹的曲率与挠率

15.installation productivity option (IPO)计算中心生产率选件

16.fixed-rate pacemaker固定频率心脏起搏器

17.speak one"s mind; say one"s mind坦率地说出心底的话

18.frequency control & analysis center频率控制与分析中心


HR[英][,e?t? "ɑ:(r)][美]["et? "ɑr]心率

1.Effects of variations in CO_2 pneumoperitoneum pressure onHR, BP and ECG during laparoscopic cholecystectomy;腹腔镜胆囊切除术中CO_2气腹压力变化对心率(律)、血压、心电图的影响

2.The comparison of autogenic training and suggestion on finger temperature,HR and T-wave amplitude;自生训练和暗示对指温、心率、心电图T波的影响

3.A study on the changes ofHR and BLA at different training load in Wushu chang-quan athletes;武术长拳运动员不同强度练习后心率及血乳酸变化的研究

3)heartbeat rate心率

1.The research of suitableheartbeat rate of youth motion at different altitude;进驻不同海拔青年体力活动时适宜心率的探讨

2.Objective To study the influence of music therapy on the vital signs and infantheartbeat rate of preterm labour women.目的探讨音乐治疗对保胎孕妇心率、呼吸、血压、胎心率及焦虑的影响。

3.Changes ofheartbeat rates in intensive exercise are the best indication of the power of heart system.心率的变化情况最能说明心血管系统的能力,本文通过在训练中对心率情况的统计、研究,总结了一些经验,并在实际运用中取得一些收获,希望能对在基层训练的同仁能有所帮助。

4)rhythm of heart心率

1.On the basis of experiment, most scholars agree with takingrhythm of heart as the load strength guideline.负荷强度决定负荷的性质和运动目标的实现 ,以健身为目的的负荷强度的研究与运用方兴未艾 ,多数学者经实证研究后赞同以心率作为度量运动负荷强度并规范和调控人们健身行为的指标。

5)blood pressure心率

1.Effects of different muscle relaxants onblood pressure and heart rate of the patients with congenital heart diseases during anesthetic induction;不同肌肉松弛药对于先心病患者麻醉诱导时血压和心率的影响

2.One is increasing heart rate andblood pressure, and the other is reducing heart rate andblood pressure.中枢神经递质有升高血压、中快心率和降低血压、减馒心率两种机制。

3.Changes in body weight,blood pressure,heart rate(HR),high_density lipoprotein(HDL) and low_density lipoprotein(LDL) contents were determined by RM_6000 Polygraph and Beckman 42 Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer on rats with normal exercise load,exercise overload and pressure overload.在SD大鼠运动超负荷和压力超负荷模型上,采用RM—6000型多导生理记录仪,BECKMAN42型自动生化分析仪对大鼠体重、血压、心率、高密度脂蛋白(HDL)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL)等指标进行了测定。

6)Heart Rate Variability心率变异率

1.Influence of SMI on the Curative Effect andHeart Rate Variability on Patients with Coronary Heart Disease;参麦注射液对冠心病心力衰竭的疗效及心率变异率的影响


心率心率heart rate指每分钟心跳的次数,以第一心音为准。一般地,婴儿心率100~140次/min;1~6岁80~120次/min;6岁以上接近成人,为60~100次/min。

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