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殿试 Palace Examination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-15 21:46:13


殿试 Palace Examination英语短句 例句大全

殿试,Palace Examination

1)Palace Examination殿试

1.The AdditionalPalace Examination,the non-palace examination and the recording of literatures in Qing s Imperial Examination;清科举考试中的“补殿试”、“未殿试”问题

2.On Abolishing what is Harmful and Centralization of Statepower:the Relation between Fushi of Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties andPalace Examination of Song Dynasty;拯弊与集权:唐五代覆试及其与宋初殿试的关系

3.From the Kanghsi years,the malpractice of stressing the calligraphy had already existed in the Qing Dynasty palace examination,it is similar with the situation in Daoguang time later.清代殿试在康熙年间即存在偏重书法、抑文重字的弊端,这与道光以后的情况相似。


1.The Additional Palace Examination,the non-palace examination and the recording of literatures in Qing s Imperial Examination;清科举考试中的“补殿试”、“未殿试”问题

2.A Deliberation on the Date and Number of Participants at the Palace Imperial Examination in the Second Year of Jianwen Emperor of Ming Dynasty;明建文二年殿试举行时间与参试人数考辨

3.On Abolishing what is Harmful and Centralization of Statepower:the Relation between Fushi of Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties and Palace Examination of Song Dynasty;拯弊与集权:唐五代覆试及其与宋初殿试的关系

4.The Malpractice of Stressing Calligraphy in Palace Examination Before Daoguang Years of Qing Dynasty;清代嘉庆朝以前殿试偏重书法之弊及原因

5.For the examinees, passing the exam meant guaranteed high position and great credit to the family.对应试者来说,通过殿试就可以移居高位,光宗耀祖。

6.Every three years the emperor held a palace examination in this hall for scholars pursuing high literary degrees.每三年,皇帝都要在这儿为追求高级学位的学者们举行殿试。

7.Until the third year of Yuanyou,particularly after the eight year of it,those who made mistakes were not rejected in the final imperial examination,but were put to the lower level as the punishment.至元?三年 ,特别是元?八年以后 ,殿试杂犯亦不黜落 ,只给予降等的处罚。

8.New Trends on Composition of College Entrance Examination from the Countermeasure of the Final Imperial Examination;从古代科举殿试策问直视当今高考作文命题新倾向

9.Brief Comment on Almost the Same Psychological Tropism of Confucian Culture Presented in The Hall of Longevity and The Peach Blossom Fan;试论《长生殿》与《桃花扇》儒道文化心理同构

10.On Chang Sheng Dians Preeminence among Similar Stories;试论《长生殿》对李、杨故事题材戏曲的超越

11."Behind it is the Hall of complete Harmony, where emperors rehearsed rites and ceremonies. Farther back sits the hall of Preserving Harmony, where candidates for imperial office and mandarin status took the imperial examination."再后面是中和殿,是皇帝举行朝会和庆典之地;最后是保和殿,是接受皇家考试以获官职的地方。

12.The Aesthetic Connotation of Lotus Pattern in Jin Dynasty-Analysis on the Colour Sculpture and Painting in the Great Hall of Shanhua Temple;试析善化寺大雄宝殿金代彩塑彩绘莲花纹的美学内涵

13.An Evolution of Walker s Womanist Spirituality in the Temple of My Familiar;试论沃克的小说《我知交的神殿》中妇女主义思想的发展

14.Proofs for Chu Palace Relic of Eastern Zhou Dynasty Unearthed at Longwan Qianjang,Hubei;试论湖北潜江龙湾发现的东周楚国大型宫殿遗址

15."and the house, that is, the Temple, in front of the holy place was forty cubits long."内殿前的外殿,长四十肘。

16.His [Her] Serene Highness.殿下((略作 H.S.H.))。

17.The most important palaces are Taihe Palace, Zhonghe Palace and Baohe Palace.最重要的宫殿就是太和殿,中和殿和保和殿。

18.Imperial buildings were named after harmony.皇家故宫题的名,太和殿、中和殿、保和殿;


The final imperial examination殿试

1.The system of the final imperial examination without elimination of the examinees began in the second year of Jiayou.宋代殿试不黜落之制始于仁宗嘉二年 ,但杂犯者仍遭黜落。

3)Palace Examination Paper殿试卷

1.Chinese ZhuangyuanPalace Examination Paper and Its Importance;中国状元殿试卷及其价值

4)palace examination for successful candidates in the highest imperial examinations殿试进士

5)the countermeasures of the Final Imperial Examination殿试策问




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