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留着 retention英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-18 11:02:54


留着 retention英语短句 例句大全



1.There is some relation between theretention ability of furnish pulp and the condition of charge.结果表明:添加CPAM后,浆料Zeta电位增大,可溶净电荷变化不大,胶体滴定比值(CTR)明显增大;浆料的留着性能与电荷状况之间存在一定关系。

2.Theretention performance of cationic dispersed rosin size prepared in our laboratory on reed pulps was studied via dynamic drainage jar(DDJ) .本文利用动态滤水仪以及可见光分光光度计等对自制阳离子分散松香胶的留着性能及影响因素进行了初步的研究。

3.The influences of the fillers properties onretention and the upgrade paper strength were also discussed.本文研究了氧化铝、碳酸钙、进口钛白粉和国产钛白粉四种填料的特性 ,及填料特性对留着、纸页强度的影响。


1.have [wear] a mustache [a pair of mustaches]留着小胡子 [留着八字胡]

2.So save your voices till then.所以,留着点嗓子。

3.A person with long hair, especially a hippie.留长发者留着长发的人,尤指嬉皮士

4.A small residue is retained tenaciously by the surface.少量的残留物被表面牢固地保留着。

5.Increasing Filler Retention Rate by Bicomponent Retention System采用双元助留系统 提高填料留着率

6.The commander would be commended.指挥官是被保留着的。

7.I"ll keep it as a curiosity.我要留着他当古董呢。

8.In his mouth were the remains of fir trees--,它嘴里还留着冷杉?,

9.They salt down cod for winter use.他们腌鳕鱼留着冬天吃。

10.He kept his love of horsemanship.他保留着骑马的癖好。

11.Leave the cake over for tomorrow.把糕留着明天吃吧。

12.Keep this money for your incidental expenses.这点儿钱, 你留着零花吧。

13.Keep this dictionary for reference.这本词典留着查阅用。

14.I"ve been saving them for today.我一直留着等今天才戴。

15.To the best of my memory he always had a beard.我记得他总是留着胡子.

16.Kincaid had a small moustache.金凯德留着小胡子。

17.Van has somewhat long black hair,范留着黑色的长发,

18.They linger and look at your face and smile mere idle sport.它们留连着悠闲地看着你的脸微笑着。


retention rate留着率

1.The paper studied the application of the organic bactericide AEM5700 on the antibac- terial paper,detected theretention rate on different paper and its antibacterial effect.该论文研究了有机抗菌剂AEM5700在抗菌纸上的应用,检测了其在不同原料中的留着率,以及AEM5700的抗菌效果。

2.The effect of dosage, modifica-tion time and temperature of OTAC on theretention rate of the modified attapulgite in paper was investigated.用十八烷基三甲基氯化铵对凹土进行表面改性并进行了实验室加填试验,探讨了十八烷基三甲基氯化铵的用量,改性时间,改性温度对凹土在纸页中留着率的影响。

3.the new processing technology raises theretention rate by more than 27% on the average.采用三波长UV光谱法测定了单宁胶在增强处理湿法纤维板时的留着率;采用正交试验和光谱分析相结合的方法,对纤维浆料的留着率进行了分析和测定,提出了提高留着率的方法、措施;确定了在浆内施加条件下,留着率最佳的合理工艺。


1.With the increase of combined phosphorus of starch phosphate ester,theretention of paper additive would increase to all of filling and fibril.磷酸化反应时加入少量尿素,可以起到加速磷酸化反应和增加留着率的作用。

2.In the paper,the effects of the ion type,charge density and molecular weight of polyacrylamide on theretention of mineral fibers and the properties of the paper were studied.结果表明,实验所用的APAM、CPAM及AM-PAM均可提高矿物纤维的留着率和纸张的物理性能,CPAM、AM-PAM的作用效果好于APAM;其中离子度为2%、相对分子质量为1400万的CPAM比未加助剂的纸张矿物纤维留着率提高32。

3.Methods improving theretention and drainage properties of straw pulps were introduced.介绍了提高草浆留着率及滤水性能的方法,表明通过一些化学、生物的方法可以使其得到改善,非木材制浆是有一定发展潜力的。

4)filler retention填料留着

1.In this paper, the characteristics of DCS from different HYP with different brightness and their impacts onfiller retention were studied.研究了不同白度高得率浆中溶解和胶体物质(DCS)的性质及其对填料留着的影响,并通过使用阴离子垃圾捕集剂来消除DCS的负面影响。

2.However,there are many problems associated with the use of fillers when the loading level is relatively high,among which poorfiller retention and the negative effect of filler loading on sizing(also referred to as "sizing impediment of the filled papers")have been widely recognized.然而,随其用量的增加,往往可产生一系列问题,其中填料留着及加填纸的施胶障碍问题值得予以关注。

3.In this paper,the emerging technologies offiller retention improvement .然而,随其用量的增加,往往可产生一系列问题,其中填料留着及加填纸的施胶障碍问题值得给予关注。


6)retention agent留着剂



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