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守成 retention英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-26 22:53:51


守成 retention英语短句 例句大全



1.Through opting the contents ofretentions and innovations,and solving the difficult problems,Haier successfully forges .战略竞争力是企业取得长远发展的关键,而战略竞争力的特点,决定了它的打造是一个动态的过程,企业必须根据所确立的战略目标不断对现有竞争力进行守成和创新。

2.This paper has a vertical case study on the history of Haier,reviewing theretentions and innovations of its strategic competitiveness during three strategic periods,analyzing the motives of theretentions or innovations and the solutions to difficult problems,as well as the outcomes they brought to the firm.对海尔战略竞争力守成与创新的历史进行纵向的案例研究,回顾海尔在三个不同的战略阶段在三个不同层面上进行的战略竞争力守成与创新的主要内容,深入分析其守成或创新的动机和难题的解决,以及这些守成或创新所产生的战略竞争力给企业带来的结果。


1.Don"t let yourself get into a groove, young man.年轻人,你不可以因循守旧,墨守成规。

2.She never leaves the beaten track.她从来都是墨守成规。

3.Old people tend to Cling to old ideas.老人倾向于墨守成规。

4.unimaginative and conformist.缺乏想象力、墨守成规。

5.No systems but many works.他不守成规,又勇于任事。

6.Formalistic or conventional.形式主义的,墨守成规的

7.not conventional or conformist.不平庸或者墨守成规。

8.get [settle, sink] into a rut陷入固定模式,墨守成规

9.He showed little initiative, handling all matters strictly by the book.墨守成规地办一切事情。

10.A maze of bureaucratic and legalistic complexities.官僚主义与墨守成规混杂成一团糟

11.You will not skid if you stay in a rut .如果墨守成规的话,你就不会溜滑了。

12.as a scientist, you shouldn"t get into a rut作为科学家,你不应该墨守成规。

13.a slave to convention,ie sb who always follows accepted ways of doing things传统的奴隶(墨守成规的人).

14.Yet investment banks have recently changed out of all recognition.然而近来,投资银行却不再墨守成规。

15.Ted is a real stick- in- the- mud.特德真是个墨守成规的人。

16.You do want to choose a big company for monotonous work?您是想选择大公司做固守成规的工作?

17.This architect had been a pedant.营造师是一个墨守成规的人。

18.This was a refusal to change, to make progress.这就是墨守成规, 不愿进步。


Law-abiding cost守法成本

3)arts for handwriting守成性

4)credit-keeping cost守信成本

5)stick to convention education守成教育

1.Institutions of higher education must change the old ideas, overcome the disadvantages ofstick to convention education, make great efforts to carry out innovation education and make contribution to revitalization of .高等学校必须转变思想观念 ,克服传统“守成教育”的种种弊病 ,大力实施创新教育 ,实现民族振

6)a pedantic insistence on the rules墨守成规.


守法1.掌守法令;遵循法规。 2.服刑,坐牢房。

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