天天减肥网 > DAPA-HF:达格列净开启心衰治疗的新时代


时间:2022-10-08 17:50:40





“最重要的发现是对无糖尿病患者的益处。苏格兰格拉斯哥大学心血管与医学科学研究所心脏病学教授John J.V. McMurray博士说:“这确实是一种治疗心力衰竭的方法,而不仅仅是治疗糖尿病的药物。”











达格列净的安全性与之前的药物试验一致。两组的不良事件包括容量衰竭、严重低血糖、下肢截肢、骨折和/或肾功能不全的发生率总体较低,且无显着差异。达格列净组严重不良事件(包括死亡)发生率较低(38例vs. 42例;p<0.01)。此外,导致停药的不良事件在两组中相似(达格列净组为4.7%,安慰剂组为4.9%,p=0.79)。

在其他结果中,达格列净治疗可显着改善患者症状。从基线到8个月,根据堪萨斯城心肌病问卷,与安慰剂组相比,更多接受达格列净治疗的患者出现心衰症状的临床显着改善(58% vs. 51%;OR=1.15;95%ci,1.03-1.23)。





意大利布雷西亚大学(Universityof Brescia,Italy)心脏病学教授、医学博士Marco Metra在ESC大会上讨论结果时,将DAPA-HF的发现结合起来。








我认为这是一个真正的游戏改变者。首先,在糖尿病和HFrEF患者中,这项研究证实了我们在其他试验的先前亚组分析中看到的情况。例如,DECLARE-TIMI 58中有这方面的信号。真正的新发现是,HFrEF的非糖尿病患者似乎也有显着的益处。这真的推动了这个领域的发展。如果你仔细想想,前,说我们要用一种糖尿病药物在非糖尿病患者身上进行试验是一个奇怪的概念。大多数人都会说它不起作用,不安全或者很疯狂。但是,事实上,现在我们看到这类药物,或者特别是达格列净,可以显着降低心衰的转归。对于糖尿病患者,这也应该与SGLT2类中的其他药物一起验证。我认为这项研究显示了一个惊人的发现,它改变了我们看待心衰和糖尿病药物的方式。SGLT2抑制剂看起来是一类非常好的药物;似乎每周都有一份新的文献问世,表明这些药物正在做一些我们不知道的新事情,这很好。我预计这将继续下去。根据我们从糖尿病患者的DAPA-HF中看到的情况,我可能很乐意将其推广到其他SGLT2类药物。在非糖尿病患者中,我可能会坚持使用达格列净,直到其他SGLT2抑制剂证明自己。

Deepak L.Bhatt,医学博士,MPH


DAPA-HF: Dapagliflozin offers new approach to treatment of HFrEF,even without diabetes

Treatment withthe SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin reduced risk for worsening HF and CV deathwhen added to standard therapy in patients with HF with reduced ejectionfraction, regardless of diabetes status, according to results of the DAPA-HFtrial.

PARIS — In patients with HF, with and without diabetes, treatment withthe SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin reduced risk for worsening HF and CV deathwhen added to standard therapy, according to anticipated results of the DAPA-HFtrial.

Data presentedtoday at the European Society of Cardiology Congress suggest that the benefitsof dapagliflozin (Farxiga, AstraZeneca) extend beyond its effects as a diabetesdrug.

“The most important finding of all is the benefit in patients withoutdiabetes. This is truly a treatment for heart failure, and not just a drug fordiabetes,”John J.V. McMurray, MD,professor of cardiology atthe Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences at University of Glasgowin Scotland, said.

DAPA-HF enrolled4,744 adults in 20 countries who had HFrEF (left ventricular EF 40%). Atbaseline, 45% had type 2 diabetes and 55% did not. Those enrolled also hadmoderately elevated N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and an estimatedglomerular filtration rate of 30 mL/min/1.732or higher. All patientsunderwent random assignment to receive once-daily dapagliflozin 10 mg ormatching placebo, in addition to standard care. Dapagliflozin is currentlyapproved by the FDA to treat patients with type 2 diabetes.

McMurray said the goal was to enroll a typical HFrEF population.

“We thought ofdapagliflozin as a HF drug, not a diabetes drug, and we wanted to test it in anall-comers population,” he said during a press conference.

Improvement with,without diabetes

During a medianfollow-up of 18.2 months, the primary outcome of CV death or worsening HF wasreduced by 26% in the group assigned dapagliflozin compared with those assignedplacebo (16.3% vs. 21.2%; HR = 0.74; 95% CI, 0.65-0.85; number needed to treat= 21).Worsening HF was defined asunplanned HF hospitalization or an urgent HF visit requiring IV therapy.

Dapagliflozin was also associated with significantimprovement when the researchers analyzed components of the primary compositeendpoint separately, including a 30% reduction in worsening HF (HR = 0.7; 95%CI, 0.59-0.83;P= .00003) and an 18% reduction in CVmortality (HR = 0.82; 95% CI, 0.69-0.98;P =.029).

All-cause death,which occurred in 11.6% of the dapagliflozin group vs. 13.9% of the placebogroup, was reduced by 17% with dapagliflozin treatment (HR = 0.83; 95% CI,0.71-0.97).

The researchersfound a consistent benefit across 14 prespecified subgroups. The “criticallyimportant” subgroup, McMurray said, was comparison based on the presence orabsence of diabetes. The primary composite outcome was reduced by 25% withdapagliflozin in the patients with diabetes at baseline (HR = 0.75; 95% CI,0.63-0.9) and by 27% in those without diabetes (HR = 0.73; 95% CI, 0.6-0.88).

“We saw anidentical treatment effect in patients without diabetes, compared to those withdiabetes,” McMurray said at the press conference.

Another importantsubgroup was patients treated or not treated with the angiotensin receptorneprilysin inhibitor sacubitril/valsartan (Entreso, Novartis). At baseline,only 11% of patients enrolled in DAPA-HF were receiving sacubitril/valsartan.McMurray said this therapy was just being introduced into practice when DAPA-HFstarted enrollment. Again, the overall treatment effect was consistent based onbackground treatment. The primary outcome was reduced by 25% with dapagliflozinin the patients receiving sacubitril/valsartan at baseline (HR = 0.75; 95% CI,0.5-1.13) and by 26% in those not receiving sacubitril/valsartan (HR = 0.74;95% CI, 0.65-0.86), according to McMurray.

The safetyprofile of dapagliflozin was consistent with previous trials of the drug.Adverse events including volume depletion, major hypoglycemia, lower limbamputation, fracture and/or renal dysfunction were low overall and notsignificantly different between the two groups. The rate of serious adverseevents, including death, was lower in the dapagliflozin group (38 vs. 42events;P< .01). Moreover, adverse events leading todiscontinuation were similar in both groups (4.7% with dapagliflozin vs. 4.9%with placebo;P= .79).

In other results, patient symptoms were significantly improved withdapagliflozin treatment. From baseline to 8 months, more patients assigneddapagliflozin reported a clinically significant improvement in symptoms of HFbased on the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire, compared with thoseassigned placebo (58% vs. 51%; OR = 1.15; 95% CI, 1.03-1.23).

“Overall, wefound that dapagliflozin does what we would like any HF treatment to do: inother words, reduce worsening HF events, particularly hospital admissions; toreduce CV death; and to improve symptoms,” McMurray said here. “The absoluterisk reduction [with dapagliflozin] is quite substantial and was consistentacross subgroups.”

‘A new era in HF treatment’

DAPA-HFwas aparallel-group, randomized, double-blind study performed in a broad spectrum ofpatients with HF. McMurray said it is important to note that the randomizedtherapies were administered in addition to standard care, including high use ofACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, sacubitril/valsartan, beta-blockersand mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists.

“This is animportant breakthrough for patients with a terrible disease. We think these[findings] show a completely new therapeutic approach to the management ofpatients with HF,” McMurray said. “This is the first beneficial heart failuretreatment in 10 years not acting through neurohumoral mechanisms. [It was]beneficial when added to excellent existing therapy, includingsacubitril/valsartan.”

Marco Metra, MD,FESC, FHFA,professor of cardiology at the University of Brescia, Italy, put theDAPA-HF findings into context during a discussion of the results at ESCCongress.

“If we comparethe results on the primary and secondary outcomes in DAPA-HF with the resultsof successful trials of the last decade, we can see that all the hazard ratiosare comparable, if not larger, than those in the major clinical trials in HF,”Metra said.

Questions remainregarding the mechanisms of action of dapagliflozin and also whether theeffects can be translated to different HF phenotypes, such as HF with preservedEF, Metra said. However, these answers will come, as there are almost 20ongoing trials underway with the SGLT2 inhibitors, including dapagliflozin andalso empagliflozin (Jardiance, Boehringer Ingelheim), ertugliflozin (Steglatro,Merck) and sotagliflozin (Zynquista, Sanofi and Lexicon), he said.

“We are facing anew era in heart failure treatment,” Metra said.

SGLT2 inhibitorsincluding dapagliflozin have been shown to reduce risk for developing HF inpatients with type 2 diabetes. DAPA-HF was unique in that it is the first HFoutcomes trial with an SGLT2 inhibitor investigating whether dapagliflozin wasalso useful in treating established HF, even in patients without diabetes.

Sincedapagliflozin was first approved by the FDA in for the treatment of type 2diabetes in adults, several studies have demonstrated the potential for SGLT2 inhibitorsas a class in the prevention and treatment of HF.As previously reported,overall findings from the DECLARE-TIMI 58 CV outcome trial showed thatdapagliflozin 10 mg reduced the composite endpoint of CV death and HFhospitalization over 4 years, mainly driven by a reduction in HF hospitalization,in a broad population of patients with type 2 diabetes. In aprespecified subanalysispresented in Marchat the American College of CardiologyScientific Session, researchers reported that treatment with dapagliflozinreduced HF hospitalization in a broad range of LVEF and may provide evengreater benefit with lower CV death and mortality in patients with HFrEF.

Dapagliflozindoes not currently have an FDA indication to reduce the risk for HF or CVdeath. –by Katie Kalvaitis


McMurray J, etal. Hot Line Session 1. Presented at: European Society of Cardiology Congress;Aug. 31-Sept. 4, ; Paris.

I think this is a real game-changer. First, in the patients withdiabetes and HFrEF, this study confirms what we saw in previous subgroupanalyses of other trials. For example, there were signals of this inDECLARE-TIMI 58. What is really paradigm-shifting is that there appears to be asignificant benefit in the nondiabetic patients with HFrEF too. That reallymoves the field forward. If you think about it, 10 years ago, it would havebeen an outlandish concept to say we were going to do a trial in nondiabeticswith a diabetes drug. Most people would have said it wouldn"t work, it"s unsafeor it"s crazy. But, in fact, now we see with this particular class of drugs, orperhaps specifically dapagliflozin, a significant reduction in HF outcomes.This should also be validated with other drugs in the SGLT2 class in patientswith diabetes. I think this study shows an amazing finding that changes the waywe are going to think about HF and diabetes drugs. The SGLT2 inhibitors look tobe a really good class of drugs; it seems like every week there is a newpublication coming out showing that these drugs are doing something new wedidn"t know about, and that"s good. I anticipate this will continue. Based onwhat we saw from DAPA-HF in patients with diabetes, I"d likely be comfortablegeneralizing this to the SGLT2 class. In the nondiabetic patients, I likelywould stick with dapagliflozin until the other SGLT2 inhibitors provethemselves.

·Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH

·Cardiology Today EditorialBoard MemberBrigham and Womens HospitalHarvard Medical School


